Integrate all Lean concepts upstream to design and get your new products and new production equipment properly started
“Innovation is costly and risky” our Japanese colleagues say maliciously! Toyota is showing us an interesting path in its ability to reinvent its products quickly. About 15 months to develop a new model, which is half the time of the majority of the competitors. Creativity is also present; let’s think about hybrids in particular.
Like them, you surely want to make developments that:
• Quickly meet their audience
• Can be redesigned starting with the first VOC* feedback
• Evolve towards ever more quality to stay ahead
• And do this at the lowest cost, of course!
For this, you know, the answer is the agility of your developments.
We support you in the implementation of Early Product Management (EPM) and Early Equipment Management (EEM) approaches to build a development system that is totally lean.
*VOC : Voice of Customer – EEM : Early Equipment Management – EPM : Early Product Management
Would you like to implement a Lean system for EPM and EMM product/process developement?